Changing Dynamics of Women’s Politics in Pakistan: A Comparative Analysis of 2002, 2008 and 2013 General Elections
Dr. Saeed Ahmad* Dr. Bakhtiar Khan**
Effects of E-Learning Media on Social Skills Enhancement of Secondary Level Students
Hafiz M. Irshadullah* Rahmat Ullah Khan** Hafiz M. Inamullah***
Role of the Mother Tongue in the Comprehension of the Subject Matter at the Primary Level
Muhammad Idris* Zoobia** Erum Aslam Khan***
Islamic Perspective of National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (NACTE) and Problems to NACTE in Ensuring Quality Teacher Education
Dr. Farooq Nawaz Khan* Dr. Nasir Ahmad** Sadarat***
Government-oppositions Relations during First Term of Benazir Bhutto as Prime Minister
Bakhtiar Khan* Saeed Ahmad**
5E Instructional Model: Enhancing Students Academic Achievement in the Subject of General Science at Primary Level
Dr. Nasir Ahmad* Dr. Nasir Shaheen** Soma Gohar***
Explorative Study on Recruitment Techniques within Small and Medium Enterprises: Evidence from Pakistani Tourism Industry
Dr. Sher Nawaz * Dr. Fahad Sultan ** Dr. Syed Haider Khalil ***
Impact of Working Capital Management on Firms Profit: A case study of NonFinancial Firms listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange
Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Khan * Dr. Syed Mohsin Ali Shah ** Dr. Sher Nawaz ***
Co-integration and Causality amongst Micro-economic Factors and Stock Returns: An Empirical Analysis from Pakistan Stock Exchange
Ms. Hina Qayum * Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Khan ** Dr. Burhan Ali Shah ***
The Relationship Between Employee Empowerment, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment,and Turnover Intentions: An Evidence from The Banking Sector in Pakistan
Dr. Naveed Iqbal Chaudhry* Dr. Khalid Hussain Abbasi** Noreen Razaq***
Impact of Talent Management Practices on Employee Performance: A study of Private Banking Sector
Hamidah Dobal* Sameena Khokhar ** Dr. Khalid Hussain Abbasi***